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What If?

Lynda Douglas


So here’s a story that has been whirling around in my mind for some time.  I know that we are in the Great Shift.  Evolution.  Whatever you want to call it. 

Since 1987 (Harmonic Convergence), our Group Consciousness, the consciousness of the humans on our planet, was measured.  We had evolved to a higher consciousness than Spirit believed we would achieve at that time.  So it was that we began the Great Shift.  The move from the 3rd Dimension to the 5th Dimension while we remained in our bodies.

To achieve this, Spirit knew our physical bodies could not move to the new frequency in one fell swoop.  We would not survive.  So, we have been given energetic boosts to our frequency in increments. 

You might have noticed this in how fast time appears to move.  It has gradually sped up until now it feels like we have a 16-hour day instead of 24 hours.  That is due to our rising frequency.  It has been scientifically proven using the Schuman Resonance measuring system.

Each wave of new energy (most of the time through solar flares) causes a small amount of time where we feel love and kindness.  Then people begin to feel scrambled and finally, crises in spirit begin to show up.

This is because as each new increment of energy is received, we must have space in our bodies.  We must let go of some past baggage that weighs us down.  If you hold on to the old beliefs about yourself and others (that no longer serve you), you will not change. 

It is said that some people will remain in the 3rd Dimension and not move into the 5th Dimension.  The 5th Dimension is the dimension of Love.  The dimension of Unity Consciousness.  When we are fully there, you will know that if you hurt someone else, you are really hurting yourself. It’s so beautiful, that I can’t wait….

Spirit told me that the 3rd Dimension was 80% Dark and 20% Light.  The 5th Dimension is 80% Light and 20% Dark.  It will take approximately 200 years to “clean up” the 20% so that we reach 100% Light. The darkness in our current dimension must be cleared by coming to the surface to be seen and changed.  Change happens slowly.  What appears to be chaos is divinely orchestrated.

Another thing that is changing is “multi-tasking”.  It will become obsolete.  You will need to focus on one thing, one project, one thought at a time.  Put your love and compassion into it.  Let me re-state that.  Put your LOVE and COMPASSION into it and watch what flows to you from that.

This is how we get to 100% Light and a beautiful world.  What if?

© 2023 by All About Transition. Art by Lennard Zarndt

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